Frédéric Bosc

Frédéric Bosc is in charge of the tax aspects of mergers & acquisitions and private equity transactions. He is particularly involved in the structuring and implementation of LBOs and management packages and assists companies, managers and founders in managing their tax issues. Frédéric is regularly involved in corporate restructuring, tax audits and litigation.
Frédéric started is career at Clifford Chance, before joining Weil Gotshal & Manges, where he praticed until he joined Desfilis as a partner in 2019. In 2021, he co-founded Moncey Avocats as a partner.
Being a member of the Paris and New York Bars, he graduated from the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas (Master I in Business Law) and holds a Master II in International Taxation (University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas - HEC) as well as a LL.M. in International Taxation (University of Florida - Levin College of Law).
- Counsel to Apax Partners in connection with its acquisition of stakes in Pandat Finance and CEME Group
- Counsel to Capza in connection with the LBOs on Nutravalia and Winback Group
- Counsel to MBO & Co in connection with its acquisition of stakes in LEN Médical Group and Klee Group
- Counsel to EMZ Partners in connection with its investments in ClubFunding Group, its LBO on Fauché Group and its acquisition of Weyou with the management of FCDE
- Counsel to Andera Partners for its investment in Naitways and its acquisition of a stake in Artemys
- Counsel to Quilvest Capital Partners for its LBO on Les Secrets de Loly
- Counsel to Sparring Capital in its majority LBO on Génie Flexion and its acquisition of a majority stake in Kapi and Novae
- Counsel to Siparex in its primary LBO on Orion Group
- Counsel to Trajan Capital for its LBO on Cotton Bird
- Counsel to Raise in connection with its acquisition of a stake in Eovolt
- Counsel to the founders and managers of SantéVet on the tax aspects of a €150M fundraising fully subscribed by Columna Capital
- Counsel to the founders of Klubb Group in connection with the sale of their stake to Andera Partners
- Counsel to M80 Partners in connection with its investments in Ambi Pack and Accès Vision
- Counsel to the management (more than 130 managers spread across 15 different countries) of Coventya during the sale of the group by an English investment fund to the American company Element Solutions Inc.
- Counsel to the founders and managers of CIR Group on their majority sale to Blackfin Capital Partners
- Counsel to the management of Market Pay on the occasion of the sale by Carrefour of its fintech to AnaCap Financial Partners
- Counsel to Trocadero Capital Partners in connection with the acquisition of Rock Up Ltd by Hapik
- Counsel to B & Capital for its majority LBO on Seaport ODLM
- Counsel to Activa Capital for its LBO on Rhétorès Finance and Cap Fidélis
- Counsel to Alandia Industries in the context of the acquisition of Cyrillus-Verbaudet Group from Alpha Private Equity and of the sale of Carbone Savoie Group to the Japanese Tokai Carbon
- Counsel to the majority shareholder of Coutot-Roehrig on the tax aspects of the investment of Capza and Bpifrance
- Counsel to the founders and managers of Questel on the tax aspects of the quaternary LBO with IK and Eurazeo
- Counsel to the founders of CertiDeal on the tax aspects of a capital increase subscribed by the investment company Meridiam Green Impact Growth Fund