Legal notice
The website is published by the association d’Avocats à Responsabilité Professionnelle Individuelle Moncey Avocats, located at 26 avenue Victor Hugo, 75116 Paris, SIREN 897 574 307
Phone number: +33 1 80 27 25 25
The editor of this website is Frédéric Pinet, Managing Partner at Moncey Avocats.
The Site and each of its elements, in particular the texts, articles, newsletters, notices, images, photographs, latest news, brochures and presentations are the exclusive property of Moncey Avocats or third parties who have granted a license to Moncey Avocats.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, translation or adaptation in full or in part of the Site or one of its elements without prior express agreement from Coat Haut de Sigy is prohibited and would constitute counterfeit sanctioned by articles L335-2 et seq of the Intellectual Property Code.
Nonetheless, Moncey Avocats authorizes Site users to download the documents specifically made available for download. Copies of these brochures may be kept strictly for personal usage.
The creation of hyperlinks from third-party sites to the Site is subject to Moncey Avocats’s prior written consent, which consent may be withdrawn at any time.
The presence on the Site of a hyperlink towards a third-party site in no way signifies verification by Moncey Avocats of the content of such third-party site. Consequently, Moncey Avocats does not accept any liability regarding access to and the content of such third-party sites.
Moncey Avocats complies with all applicable regulations relating to personal data, and more specifically, the European General Regulation on Data Protection (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016) and French Data Protection Law (French law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended).
The Privacy Policy can be consulted here.
Moncey Avocats reserves the right to modify the consent of the Site (and in particular, the content of this legal notice) at any time and without prior notice.
The website is hosted by Pertineo 1 avenue de Cluny, 94100 Saint Maur des Fossés, France - Tél: +33 (0)9 51 77 53 94 S.A.S au capital de 40 000 Euros - R.C.S Créteil 445 121 213 - APE 721Z N° VAT FR5644512121300018