Counsel to Compagnie d'Investissement Funéraire in connection with the sale of two subsidiaries to Funecap Groupe


Counsel to Compagnie d'Investissement Funéraire in connection with the sale of two subsidiaries to Funecap Groupe


Moncey Avocats assisted Compagnie d'Investissement Funéraire with the sale of its subsidiaries Pompes Funèbres Havraises and Volubilis Fleurs to Funecap Groupe.

The companies sold operate 2 funeral complexes, 3 agencies and 2 flower shops in Seine-Maritime, under the ROC.ECLERC, Pompes Funèbres & Marbrerie Vautier and Volubilis Fleurs brands.

Funecap Groupe specialises in funeral infrastructure and services.

Compagnie d'Investissement Funéraire was advised by a team from Moncey Avocats comprising:

  • Frédéric Pinet, partner, Yann Fouquet-Michel and Bonnie Brenier, associates, in Corporate,
  • Frédéric Bosc, partner, and Mathilde Cotillon, associate, in Tax.